The Law has changed
If you are a disqualified driver or your licence is suspended you will now need to have your licence reinstated before you are eligible to drive again.New relicensing requirements for drivers who have been disqualified or whose licences have been suspended came into effect on 10 May 2011.This means if your licence has been suspended, or you have been disqualified, and your suspension or disqualification ends on or after 10 May 2011 you cannot simply return to driving.Any card held by you, whether surrendered or not, will be cancelled.You will need to reinstate your licence and have a new licence issued before being legally entitled to drive again. This applies irrespective of when the suspension or disqualification commenced.►More
New vehicle weight are now in effect
As from 1 April the weights for driving a class 1 (car) and Class 2 (truck) licence changedVehicle Weight Limits The weight limit for a Class 1 Full licence increases to 6000Kg
What does this mean:
Holders of a FULL Class 1 licence can operate a rigid motor vehicle (including a tractor) of not more than 6000Kg or a combination vehicle with a gross combined weight of not more than 6000Kg. All other vehicles a Class 1 full licence holder may operate remains unchanged The weight limits and restriction for Class 1 Learner and Restricted licence holders remain unchanged. Class 1 Learner and Restricted licence holders are still restricted to vehicles of not more than 4500Kg The minimum weight for a Class 2 vehicle will be more than 6000Kg. This means that a person cannot sit a practical test for a Class 2 in a vehicle which has a GLW of 6000Kg or less.►More
What does this mean:
Holders of a FULL Class 1 licence can operate a rigid motor vehicle (including a tractor) of not more than 6000Kg or a combination vehicle with a gross combined weight of not more than 6000Kg. All other vehicles a Class 1 full licence holder may operate remains unchanged The weight limits and restriction for Class 1 Learner and Restricted licence holders remain unchanged. Class 1 Learner and Restricted licence holders are still restricted to vehicles of not more than 4500Kg The minimum weight for a Class 2 vehicle will be more than 6000Kg. This means that a person cannot sit a practical test for a Class 2 in a vehicle which has a GLW of 6000Kg or less.►More
Two of the give way rules are changing
Updated: 29 February 2012
To make our roads safer, two of the give way rules are changing. These changes come into effect at 5am on Sunday 25 March 2012. Until then the current give-way rules apply.
These changes will affect all drivers, riders, pedestrians and cyclists. Make sure you know the new rules so you’ll know what to do.
Push the limits -Drive with confidence
Over coming driving fars
Summer Issue: November 2008
Asked which car I'd buy if I won Lotto, I don't hesitate. "Taxi vouchers." To me, driving is as much fun as sticking my lips on a hot exhaust pipe. Since passing my teenage driving test my confidence has dribbled away like brake fluid from a leaky seal. The thought of piloting a tonne of metal makes me break out in hives. ►More
Asked which car I'd buy if I won Lotto, I don't hesitate. "Taxi vouchers." To me, driving is as much fun as sticking my lips on a hot exhaust pipe. Since passing my teenage driving test my confidence has dribbled away like brake fluid from a leaky seal. The thought of piloting a tonne of metal makes me break out in hives. ►More
Zero blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for drivers under 20 years
Last updated on 19/01/2012 11:51 a.m.
Drivers under 20 are subject to a zero alcohol level. This initiative is one of several measures from the Safer Journeys strategy aimed at improving the safety of New Zealand’s younger drivers.►More
The graduated driver licensing system (GDLS) has changed
Updated: 1 August 2011
On 1 August 2011 the minimum age for obtaining class 1 (car) and class 6 (motorcycle) learner licences increased from 15 years to 16 years. New minimum ages for obtaining restricted and full licences also apply.►More
Changes to the restricted driver licence test
Updated: 27 January 2012
On 27 February 2012 a new, more difficult restricted driver licence test will be in place.
Class 1 (car) restricted driver licence test
The new restricted driver licence test was developed to assess the higher skill levels expected of today’s more experienced licence applicants. The 60 minute test includes 45 minutes of drive time. The remaining 15 minutes is used to check the safety of the vehicle prior to driving and to provide feedback at the conclusion. It is longer than the previous test, allowing a more comprehensive assessment of the applicant’s safe driving skills.►More
NZTA gearing up for publicity campaign on give way rule changes
9 Feb 2012 | National Office
The NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) says a multi-media public awareness campaign will kick off next month to ensure that drivers are aware of changes to New Zealand's give way rules which come into force from 5am on Sunday March 25.
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How do our students fare? Most people who take our Package lessons pass their driver's license test(updated 2018):
Type of Licence |
Pass Rate |
Full standard | 100% |
Overseas conversion | 100% |
Restricted license | 98% |
Heavy vehicle | 100% |
Motorbike | 100% |
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....Do Driving Assessments. |
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